Town Planning Services

CFO is the planning consultant with a conscience. We’re here to help your parish or town council or community organisation get the most out of the planning system.

CFO is a member-based, community development charity. We listen carefully to what our town and parish council members say they need more support with and do our best to deliver new services in response. Building on our well-regarded Neighbourhood Planning  consultancy, we have DEVELOPED A NEW RANGE OF SERVICES to help communities successfully deal with the often complex spatial planning and development issues facing them.

We can help your community with:

Development Management (planning applications)

Co-ordinating responses on behalf of the community/ Parish or Town Council in respect of planning applications submitted by developers, landowners and others.

Planning Obligations (Section 106 agreements) support and advice

Supporting the community to navigate the often complicated processes, procedures and requirements of developer obligations.

Planning Appeals

Supporting communities as a third party – for example, Parish and Town Councils resisting developments on appeal.

Click on the buttons for more information about our services, download our information leaflet, or email [email protected]

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