Volunteer Celebration Awards 2023

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Volunteer Celebration Awards 2023

OCVA  hosted a volunteer celebration event on Wednesday June 28th 2023 to recognise the achievements of volunteers across the County.

The incredible volunteer winners are, as follows:

  • WINNER – Young Volunteer (Under 25) – Fynn Watt (Support for Ukraine)
  • HIGHLY COMMENDED – Young Volunteer (Under 25) – Amber Knewman (Nai’s House, Bicester)
  • WINNER – Volunteer of the Year – Sarah Hepworth (Botley Bikers)
  • HIGHLY COMMENED – Volunteer of the Year – Saman Jamshidifard (Botley Community Kitchen, West Oxford Community Larder and Feelgood Bikes)
  • WINNER – Long Service Volunteer – Rachel Pettifer (Sweatbox Youth Centre, Team Mikayla and Girl Guiding)
  • HIGHLY COMMENDED – Long Service Volunteer – Steve Willott (Bicester Green Gym)
  • WINNER – Volunteer Organisation of the Year – Cholsey Volunteers
  • HIGHLY COMMENDED – Volunteer Organisation of the Year – Bicester Green Gym

For more information about the Volunteer Celebration Awards 2023 and these fabulous volunteers/volunteer groups, please click on the link below:

OCVA Volunteer Celebration Awards 2023 – Winners – Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action


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