Stay at home – COVID kills

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Stay at home – COVID kills

Cases are rising extremely quickly across Cherwell – it is now one of the top 50 most affected areas in all of England.

COVID loves a crowd and as people continue to mix, it’s spreading fast.

One in three people with COVID don’t know they have it, but increasing numbers are being affected – and are dying. So, in order to minimise the risk to you and your loved ones, act like you’ve got it.

The vaccine will not start to have an influence for some weeks – and so the only weapon we have is to stay at home and avoid mixing.

  • Only go shopping when essential
  • shop alone and locally
  • keep two metres apart from others
  • wear a face covering
  • remember that outdoor exercise is only allowed once per day.

This is real, it’s affecting our economy, our children, our healthcare system and our own lives. We need to act now to stop the spread. For more information, visit:

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