Milcombe Launches New Neighbourhood Plan

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Milcombe Launches New Neighbourhood Plan

Local residents recently turned out on a cold March evening to launch the new Milcombe Neighbourhood Plan. Nigel Davis, a Parish Councillor and Plan Lead, made an introduction before Tom McCulloch from CFO, who will be advising the steering group, gave an overview of the NP process. A lively discussion then followed. Tom said, ‘it was great to see people enthusiastically discussing how to improve things in Milcombe and signing up to help with the Plan. I hope we can build on this energy as the Plan progresses.’

A wide range of topics were discussed, including new housing development, issues with local infrastructure, rewilding and nature recovery, local groups and organisations, and the need for new housing design to be in keeping with local character. A community survey and outreach strategy are the next steps, in order to get the opinions of as many local residents as possible. The Parish Council is aiming to complete the Plan in the next eighteen months, in parallel with the new, emerging Cherwell District Council Local Plan.


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